понедельник, 8 августа 2016 г.

My Homebase Kitchen Makeover and Friendspiration.

My Homebase Kitchen Makeover and Friendspiration.

Did you know on average, shoppers spend 29 days researching ideas before kicking off a project, and then spend £243 on updating their home décor.

I know I am not average in planning, I tend to have an idea, source some advice and run with it! But in terms of cost i would say this is a pretty good reflection of what I would spend n a project.

Homebase challenged me to transform a corner of my house for £243 spent in their stores, so here is my project.

My project

First of all I built a Pinterest board full of ideas and inspirations around the kind of kitchen I would love. I had just purchased a new table for mine and as always when you introduce something new it can make the rest of a room look shabby.

Here is my Pinterest board. If you start from the bottom and work your way up you can see how my inspiration grew from other peoples pins and ideas that inspired me right through to the to actual items I purchased from Homebase to make my transformation happen.

There were a number of practical tasks needed doing. Decluttering was the first taskbut then shelves needed painting, an old stained dolls house needed painting too, a hole in the door needed filling and the tiles and walls needed painting.

Have a look at the kitchen pre transformation….

(One day I WILL remember how to hold he camera the right way round!!)

So on with the transformation…

I asked for advice on Facebook on how to paint the dolls house as I was confused and Mausoleum was suggest as I wouldn’t to need o sand or prime. I quite enjoyed painting the hours and see it return to a beautiful looking toy. Should have done this ages ago!

dolls house

I have to admit I was a bit anxious after the first coat but it all worked out beautifully in the end

dolls house2

I also sorted out my storage and streamlined it and then I painted the shelf above my desk white to give a more coordinated look to the room.


Love the little zing of colour from the Homebase lamp too ..isn’t it cute!

White, cream, glass and wood seem to be the key elements to my transfomed kitchen and I was delighted to add the carafe, glasses, bamboo tray and slate mats from Homebase to our driftwood table


The colours used in he room were so neutral it has become as intended really calm and relaxing space. Colour was added by showcasing fruit in these lovely Homebase glass jars and a little bunch of daffs in this gorgeous Homebase recycled glass bottle

bottle vase

fruit jars

The tiles were painted white, the walls were too and quick drying glass used on the door after the hole had been filled (this gloss dried in 1 hour – amazing!)

kitchen makeover project

I had no idea Homebase sold small appliances but they do so a new cream toaster and kettle were purchased and this super stylish bamboo clock.

I think it all looks SO much better do you?

Have another look around now the transformation is complete ….

My vlogging skills leave a lot to be desired but I think you can see how much fresher it look. I am absolutely thrilled with it.


Recent research conducted by Homebase reveals that most homeowners think DIY is about creating a look or style in their home without expert help – and consumers are increasingly using ‘friendspiration’ to achieve their look

Apparently 55% of shoppers say they use friends (offline and online) to get ideas for styles, products and colours. I most definitely do. I use Pinterest regularly for this. I also ask questions and post pictures on Facebook and ask friends for advice as I did with the dolls house. I even ask questions at the school gate. real people with real experiences are great sources of advice and inspiration.

Homebase is launching a new portal called The Project Centre where customers can find inspiration as well as help and advice for their own home projects.

I think gathering advice is such a key and fun way to help you plan a project.

Original article and pictures take thrifty-home.co.uk site

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