воскресенье, 1 февраля 2015 г.

Household Planner Freebie 2017

Household Planner Freebie 2017

Setting up organization in the home with a household planner helped me so much. Since having my fourth child I have been struggling to keep up with cleaning and bill paying. Looking online proved to be not so helpful because of all the choices, not mention nothing matched my home. Nothing online from other blogs matched my needs.

Limited on time making my own household planner was the obvious choice, but when. While the kids were sleeping. Yes, while they slept at nap time or bed time I would brainstorm what I needed my household planner to look like.

This planner had to have medical, financial, and cleaning printable included. Why? All of unorganized area’s of my life revolve around my budget and my time.


Household Planner Freebie

Finally, it is done! I have the finished product available for you! FREE!

My hope is that this household planner is so basic that it can be used for any home. Or any unorganized mom, homeschool mom, busy mom….you get the point.

This planner will help to:

Save time

Save money

Stay organized

and to manage most responsibilities in the home.

This wonderful free tool is available to all moms who subscribe to my email list. Just hit the subscribe button and then download the freebie. It is that easy.

Life is so busy with all of us meeting demands that I wanted the household planners book to be something that moms can take anywhere. Use this while watching a soccer game, or when you go camping. Taking 5- 10 minutes a day to stay on top of planning eliminates the dreaded 3 hour planning or catch up sessions.

Families will be so impressed that mom finally has it “all together”. Household planners will be one of the greatest tools you home has ever used!

Please enjoy and be organized. Save time. Save money. Enjoy life.

This household planner will let you see an estimated budget, then go back and write out the actual amount to track receipts. A huge plus in budgeting to help you see where you have been and the goals to reach.

Terms of Use

This planner is only for your personal use, FREE of charge. Please be honest when using and sharing these files and follow the terms of use.

By downloading this file, you agree to the terms of use.

  • Download the planner/files to your computer and print them for your personal use.
  • Give proper credit to Moms are Frugal when blogging about the planner.
  • Link directly to my blog when sharing about the planner.

  • Link directly to the PDF file; link to the blog post instead.
  • Change the files in any way.
  • Sell or distribute the planner/files in any way.
  • Host this file on your own website or upload it to a shared website.

The planner/files are the property of Moms Are Frugal {Michelle Knight}.

How To Download Household Planner

Fill in the form to download:

Moms Are Frugal Household Planner



Write Through the Bible

Original article and pictures take www.momsarefrugal.com site

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