пятница, 10 января 2014 г.

Black and White Gallery Wall

Black and White Gallery Wall

Even though we moved into our home almost three years ago, I’m still trying to work out several of the spaces. We’ve gone through a lot of changes in the past few years, and had to move things around a lot: a new baby, new business, and design add will do that to you! Because of this, one of the main walkway walls downstairs has gone untouched – literally – since the day we moved in. Finally, enough was enough, and I came up with this simple and affordable black and white gallery wall!

I made this 9-frame black and white gallery wall for less than $20! Keep reading to learn how you can make one, too!

*I wanted to give a quick welcome to the awesome BuzzFeed readers who are visiting my little corner of the internet for the first time! Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to check out more of my DIY home projects while you’re here: make your own Homemade Laundry Soap, learn How to Distress Interior Doors, and see how I transformed this Electrical Spool Table.*

Gallery walls are one of my favorite design accents, and I think they’re great in almost any space. But, I’m not gonna lie – they can be really expensive! If you assume the average decorative picture frame costs somewhere between $10 and $50+, you can easily spend several hundred dollars on a single accent wall! I wanted to create a grid style gallery wall which gives the space more of a structured look, so I estimated the cost to be approximately $180 before tax and photo costs. That just wasn’t going to cut it around here – especially with two little ones running around.

I made this 9-frame black and white gallery wall for less than $20! Keep reading to learn how you can make one, too!

I can tell you’re asking yourself how I came up with such a fun black and white gallery wall without breaking the bank. Well … it all started when I was wandering around IKEA a few weeks ago. Shocker. We passed the mirror section – which I usually ignore – and I spotted these $2 mirrors in frames. The shape and size were just right for my wall! There were a few different color options, but black and white is my jam right now, so I went for the crisp white frame.

I made this 9-frame black and white gallery wall for less than $20! Keep reading to learn how you can make one, too!

When I got the frames home, I selected a few of my favorite Instagram photos, and printed them in black and white on regular printer paper. After I cut the photos out, I used mod podge to coat the mirror and secure the pictures in place. Then each photo got a layer of mod podge over top to seal it. That’s it! I think the whole project literally took me 5 minutes to finish.

I made this 9-frame black and white gallery wall for less than $20! Keep reading to learn how you can make one, too!

This gallery wall adds a touch of fun and personality to the hallway, and I’m so thrilled with how it turned out. It doesn’t hurt that I spent less than $20 on the whole thing!

Original article and pictures take atkinsondrivenew.srmmedia.netdna-cdn.com site

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