среда, 5 июля 2017 г.

Thrifty ways to display seasonal flowers in your home

Thrifty ways to display seasonal flowers in your home
Thrifty ways to display seasonal flowers in your home

Flowers don’t have to cost lots of money to bring some cheer into the house, one of the greatest joys is finding a way to display seasonal flowers flowers for free. If I am honest, big bunches of flowers can be overwhelming, there isn’t a natural space for them in our house and I never quite manage to arrange them as beautifully as they look in their bouquet.

Creating a little posy of bits from the garden in Summer, or gathering up falling leaves and seeds in Autumn or bringing in some berries and green foliage in Winter – these are some of my favourite things to do. They remind us of the seasons and bring a little bit of colour and more of the outside indoors.

Try not to pick wildflowers when out and about, unless of course they are incredibly plentiful – it’s nice to leave them for others to appreciate and they may be endangered species.


I like to send the kids out into the garden to collect little posies of things, they look fab in a jam jar and even better, that the rustic look is a trend. It keeps the kids happy and busy too. Adding herbs provides foliage and is a lovely way to make the house smell nice too.


This is the time to gather the most sculpturally amazing items which can decorate the home all year round. Teasles, alium and poppy heads all look incredible – jars and bottles make beautiful means to display these. Or how about a long glass or ceramic platter to put acorns, conkers, fir cones and other finds. You can change it seasonally, like a nature table, but much neater.

Thrifty ways to display seasonal flowers in your home

Is a lovely time to gather the first bright blooms, for me it is often yellows that seem to pop through, in shrubs in the garden. They remind me it won’t be long until I can fill the house with big cheap bunches of daffodils again. Plus yellow can stand out on it’s own, it doesn’t matter so much that flowers are more sparse.

Thrifty ways to display seasonal flowers in your home


I love collecting berries, last year I loved tying them up with raffia and making a garland – there are so many different types, apart from mistletoe and holly. But do watch out if you have pets or small children as they may be poisonous. This display doesn’t have to be limited to Winter of course, it’s a lovely project for any season.

Thrifty ways to display seasonal flowers in your home
Displaying your finds

Vases take up so much cupboard space. The beauty of little arrangements is that they don’t need lots of room. Look out for little collections of vases in baskets, interesting jam jars, medicine bottles, tiny jugs. Recycling and upcycling makes it feel even better too!

Try displaying some of your foliage and flower finds in a guest room, it’s the loveliest welcome ever – unless your guest has hay fever or allergies of course.

Gorgeous and thrifty ways to display seasonal flowers in your home

Photo credit: Unsplash, Winter garland by P Alexander.

Original article and pictures take www.wayfair.co.uk site

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