вторник, 22 ноября 2016 г.

Roof windows and increased natural light

Roof windows and increased natural light

There are ways of increasing natural light to a home and I think roof windows are a great choice. I’ve seen plenty of homes on programs like Double your home for half the money with my favourite Sarah Beeney, where roof windows play a big part to home extensions. I think they look brilliant and just have a look at all the natural light you get from adding a couple of roof windows. The difference is enormous. Another bonus is of course that you can get more fresh air in your home.

What I like to see is that VELUX® has introduced a new range of white painted roof windows for extensions, which fit in really well in modern homes. As you can see in the photos below, the white windows blend in really well and shifts the focus to nature. Have a look here for more information. I thought it would cost a lot more to add roof windows, but I was pleasantly surprised.

bright dining room in white with roof windows

bright dining room with velux roof windows

amazing white dining room with natural light with velux roof windows

Here’s the home before the roof windows were added. You can see exactly how much the room has changed. Before the only natural light was from the large sliding doors to the terrace, but now with the roof windows, the space is flooded with natural light. I always think it’s really useful to have before and after examples and really like this.

The new VELUX INTEGRA® roof windows gives you ultimate comfort, as this innovative system of remote controlled windows, blinds and shutters lets you open and close with just one touch of the control pad. No more step ladders needed!

before picture

There are so many great options. Check out the inspiring brochure by VELUX® here for more information. You no longer have to live in the dark! PHEW!

In collaboration with VELUX® I’ll be curating several Guest Boards on Pinterest, you can follow one of them here.

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Original article and pictures take www.hegeinfrance.com site

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