среда, 26 февраля 2014 г.

Cheap and simple ways to keep your home warm

Cheap and simple ways to keep your home warm

Cheap and simple ways to keep your home warm

Probably each and every one of you are looking for for simple ways to save the pennies this winter and to have a lovely and cosy warm home too? I am constantly searching for ideas.

I have just read a brilliant article on six simple ways to keep your family home warmer for longer this winter. Do have a read it is an excellent article. Simple is the key word in this article, all the tips are absolutely do-able and do not include a whole lot of investment of either time or money.

cheap and simple ways to keep your home warm

My favourite of the 6 tips shared is to train your children well.

Mine constantly leave our conservatory door open which sends a whoosh of cold into the kitchen and chills us to the core in the winter. Our conservatory has all sorts of draughts. training the children to shut the door behind them and keep the heat in and the cold out is really smart. Equating it to to money in terms they understand e.g their netflix subscription, makes it more real and should encourage co-operation.

I will definitely be using this tip this winter.

I also like the tip for making a draught excluder.

Here is our spotty tights version and you can have look here how to make a draught excluder of your own, its very easy and most effective.


My own tips to keep warm this winter are simple too:

  • Do not heat the whole house if you are just in one room, it makes no sense. Just heat that room.
  • Drink lots of warm drinks and wear lots of layers. A warm woolly jumper and slippers or thick socks are must haves. My kids will complain they are cold as they run round in T-shirts!
  • Blankets are a worthwhile investment too, from snuggling on the sofa to bedtime they do a great job and last years and years and years. (Don’t buy a themed blanket though as your kids won’t want it next winter)

Saving money on your energy costs requires a heavy dose of common sense and simple changes that really are well worth making.

Right I am off to have a word with my kids about closing the door!

collaborative post

Original article and pictures take babybudgeting.co.uk site

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