вторник, 19 ноября 2013 г.

Amazing Value Posters and Prints from Desenio

Amazing Value Posters and Prints from Desenio

Many people are wary of amazing value posters and prints for the home assuming the quality will be cheap and the print poor. I however adore a bargain and am ever optimistic so waited with happy anticipation for my order from Desenio to arrive.

Oh my goodness me was I delighted.

Choosing my prints for review had been great fun, they had a huge range and I just loved all the posters i had chose. When they order arrived secure packaged and enticing I opened it up immediately.


I gave to say I was completely delighted. The quality of both the paper and the print is lovely and I am thrilled with the new art for my home.

Would you like to see some of my picks?

For Annal;se’s room which is teeny tiny I chose a very simple piece. She loves bunnies and as it is Spring time this little poster seemed perfect. i adore its simplicity and sense of fun


For my son Frankie who is a true individual i thought this funny and wise batman print would make him laugh and make him think.


In our upstairs landing I have some lovely family photos and a few inspiring messages and I felt most apt to add this print to them;


Our conservatory is really our craft and music room and I just adored this Rockstar print to keep us motivated!

This little dandelion looks so sweet in our bathroom


In the lounge it was time for something more refined and the gold f the se prints and their simple style added a lovely touch:

And above my desk? Well a simple little print to give me a little reminder to be happy ,


I have many more fabulous prints to still find a home for: vintage travel prints, maps hats and suitcases, a silver feather and a lovely pink toned poster that says ‘Love is All.’

Desenio prints are the most amazing value. prices range from as little as £2 ! yes really the prices are amazing ! At these prices you can change your wall art pretty regularly!

What a treasure trove Desenio is, of affordable and gorgeous posters and prints. I am absolutely delighted to have found them and know they are an interiors resource I will go back to again and again .

I have been telling everyone!

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Original article and pictures take thrifty-home.co.uk site

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