пятница, 1 ноября 2013 г.

Adding some class to your living room on a budget

Adding some class to your living room on a budget

Living room on a budget

Your living room has to be all things to all people. Whether the kids need somewhere to play, or you have guests coming for the evening, or you simply want to relax in front of the television for some relaxing hours with your significant other, the living room is the place you will do it.

Also, it is the room that, more than any other, defines the overall ambience and feel of your home. Clearly, then, it is important to get the interior décor right. If you have champagne tastes but a lemonade budget, don’t despair. Here are a few simple tricks to make your living room look like a million dollars without it having to cost the earth.

living room on a budget
living room on a budget

Shop wisely

We can all look online or visit the most exclusive department stores and stare longingly at the furniture and accessories that would cost several months’ salary. But think smart. This is the age of recycling, and the vintage look is well and truly in.

That means there are some great deals to be had buying second hand at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Second hand stores are great, but for even better discounts, check out some of the best known auctions Ireland has to offer.

Once the preserve of trade dealers, the digital revolution, and specifically ebay, has led to more and more everyday shoppers being comfortable with the concept of the auction. Take your time, and if you decide to attend a live auction as opposed to an online one, it might make sense to just go along to watch first, and get an idea of how the system works.


Adding some class does not always have to mean filling your living room with more and more objects. In fact, sometimes, the opposite can be more effective. A minimalistic, decluttered look can be far more sophisticated than a crowded room, and “less is more” should always be your watchword.

When there is space to move and breathe, it makes those few really special pieces stand out, and showcases them to the optimum effect.

Think about the centerpiece

We have already mentioned that one of the most popular living room activities is watching the television. These days, most of us have a large flat screen TV that completely dominates one wall and inevitably becomes a focal point to the room.

That might be great for putting your feet up and watching your favorite show, but it hardly screams class and sophistication.

In years gone by, it was fashionable to hide the television away in a cabinet for this very reason – that is not really practical today, but you can at least create a gallery type wall around it with other accessories or bookshelves. This reduces the impact and prevents the television from dominating the room.

Consider an alternative centerpiece – for example, if you have a real fireplace, make this the focal point by positioning the furniture to focus on it instead of the TV.

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Original article and pictures take abeautifulspace.co.uk site

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